What’s Jolly super app by Sunday serving?
What’s Jolly super app by Sunday serving?
What’s Jolly super app by Sunday serving?

Healthcare services
Healthcare services
Easiest access to all the healthcare services by just tapping.
Easiest access to all the healthcare services by just tapping.
Electronic health card
Electronic health card
Policy information checking
Policy information checking
Telemedicine and medical delivery
Telemedicine and medical delivery
Recommended hospitals
Recommended hospitals
Online claim submission
Online claim submission
Claims balance checking (coming soon)
Claims balance checking (coming soon)
Symptoms checker (coming soon)
Symptoms checker (coming soon)
Buy more insurance plan online
Buy more insurance plan online
Exercise with Motive
Exercise with Motive
Check your real age with our Bio Age
Check your real age with our Bio Age
Get alert about PM 2.5 in your area
Get alert about PM 2.5 in your area
Predict the flood risk with Flood Prediction
Predict the flood risk with Flood Prediction
and more
and more

Healthcare services
Healthcare services
Easiest access to all the healthcare services by just tapping.
Easiest access to all the healthcare services by just tapping.
Electronic health card
Electronic health card
Policy information checking
Policy information checking
Telemedicine and medical delivery
Telemedicine and medical delivery
Recommended hospitals
Recommended hospitals
Online claim submission
Online claim submission
Claims balance checking (coming soon)
Claims balance checking (coming soon)
Symptoms checker (coming soon)
Symptoms checker (coming soon)
Buy more insurance plan online
Buy more insurance plan online
Exercise with Motive
Exercise with Motive
Check your real age with our Bio Age
Check your real age with our Bio Age
Get alert about PM 2.5 in your area
Get alert about PM 2.5 in your area
Predict the flood risk with Flood Prediction
Predict the flood risk with Flood Prediction
and more
and more

Everything about motor insurance is here.
Everything about motor insurance is here.
The drivers are gonna love Jolly! The fastest self-claims process is here. No hassle at all just take a photo, upload and submit. That's it.
The drivers are gonna love Jolly! The fastest self-claims process is here. No hassle at all just take a photo, upload and submit. That's it.
Policy information checking
Policy information checking
Claim information checking
Claim information checking
Claim status tracking
Claim status tracking
Online claim submission
Online claim submission

Everything about motor insurance is here.
Everything about motor insurance is here.
The drivers are gonna love Jolly! The fastest self-claims process is here. No hassle at all just take a photo, upload and submit. That's it.
The drivers are gonna love Jolly! The fastest self-claims process is here. No hassle at all just take a photo, upload and submit. That's it.
Policy information checking
Policy information checking
Claim information checking
Claim information checking
Claim status tracking
Claim status tracking
Online claim submission
Online claim submission

Many more AI-powered features.
Many more AI-powered features.
Live a more robust lifestyle without breaking your bank. We never stop upgrading our features for our customers' benefits - enjoy for FREE!
Live a more robust lifestyle without breaking your bank. We never stop upgrading our features for our customers' benefits - enjoy for FREE!
Covid corner
Covid corner
Flood prediction (coming soon)
Flood prediction (coming soon)
PM 2.5 (coming soon)
PM 2.5 (coming soon)
Motive (coming soon in 2023)
Motive (coming soon in 2023)
Bio-age (coming soon in 2023)
Bio-age (coming soon in 2023)

Many more AI-powered features.
Many more AI-powered features.
Live a more robust lifestyle without breaking your bank. We never stop upgrading our features for our customers' benefits - enjoy for FREE!
Live a more robust lifestyle without breaking your bank. We never stop upgrading our features for our customers' benefits - enjoy for FREE!
Covid corner
Covid corner
Flood prediction (coming soon)
Flood prediction (coming soon)
PM 2.5 (coming soon)
PM 2.5 (coming soon)
Motive (coming soon in 2023)
Motive (coming soon in 2023)
Bio-age (coming soon in 2023)
Bio-age (coming soon in 2023)
Already have Jolly?
Already have Jolly?
Already have Jolly?
3 steps to get started.
3 steps to get started.
3 steps to get started.
1. Open
1. Open
Open the Jolly super app by Sunday
and enter your mobile
number and OTP code.
Open the Jolly super app by Sunday
and enter your mobile
number and OTP code.
2. Sign up
2. Sign up
Sign up for your account
by using your name,
nationality, ID number,
and date of birth.
Sign up for your account
by using your name,
nationality, ID number,
and date of birth.
3. Link
3. Link
Link your policy
on Jolly!
Link your policy
on Jolly!
1. Open
1. Open
Open the Jolly super app by Sunday
and enter your mobile
number and OTP code.
Open the Jolly super app by Sunday
and enter your mobile
number and OTP code.
2. Sign up
2. Sign up
Sign up for your account
by using your name,
nationality, ID number,
and date of birth.
Sign up for your account
by using your name,
nationality, ID number,
and date of birth.
3. Link
3. Link
Link your policy
on Jolly!
Link your policy
on Jolly!
Get ready for a nice and easy insurance experience in 3-2-1.
Get ready for a nice and easy insurance experience in 3-2-1.
Get ready for a nice and easy insurance experience in 3-2-1.

How easy to submit a claim?
How easy to submit a claim?
How easy to submit a claim?
1. Upload
1. Upload
Upload the required documents and photos.
Upload the required documents and photos.
2. Fill in
2. Fill in
Tell us a little bit more about claim details.
Tell us a little bit more about claim details.
3. Done!
3. Done!
You will receive notification of your claim submission.
You will receive notification of your claim submission.
1. Upload
1. Upload
Upload the required documents and photos.
Upload the required documents and photos.
2. Fill in
2. Fill in
Tell us a little bit more about claim details.
Tell us a little bit more about claim details.
3. Done!
3. Done!
You will receive notification of your claim submission.
You will receive notification of your claim submission.
Virtually consult with doctor or pharmacist anywhere. Fuss-free!
Virtually consult with doctor or pharmacist anywhere. Fuss-free!
Virtually consult with doctor or pharmacist anywhere. Fuss-free!

Make an appointment
Make an appointment
Select the doctor or pharmacist, date, and time as flexible as you want.
Select the doctor or pharmacist, date, and time as flexible as you want.

Quick pre-screening
Quick pre-screening
Answer a few short pre-screening questions.
Answer a few short pre-screening questions.

Virtual consultation
Virtual consultation
Meet and consult with selected doctor or pharmacist online.
Meet and consult with selected doctor or pharmacist online.

Get summary and medication delivery to you!
Get summary and medication delivery to you!
Enjoy the variety of benefits
selected for you on Jolly Privilege Program
Enjoy the variety of benefits
selected for you on Jolly Privilege Program
Enjoy the variety of benefits
selected for you on Jolly Privilege Program